
Archive for the ‘Passion & Purpose’ Category

One Year Later: Baby Steps Toward Progress

January 9, 2011 Leave a comment

One year ago today, ‘Work In Progress’ was born as an attempt to accomplish my only New Years Resolution for 2010: To get my voice back.  At the time, I didn’t fully understand what that meant.  I just knew that I wanted to make sure I was living a balanced life that included more than just working and paying the bills.  I wanted to get back to a place where I was able to share my gifts, talents, thoughts and perspectives with the world. Through the blog I wanted share the books to read and people to meet who work to bring about progress in the lives of others.

One year later, this site has become more than just a hobby for me.  It has served as a platform for me to connect with people from my past and present, as well as a countless bloggers who have shared their feedback and expertise in helping the site gain visibility and recognition.

As I mentioned in my post at the Six Month Mark, I am indebted to several key bloggers who inspired me with their work. There are new bloggers that I’ve come across that I definitely need to add to the list of those who inspire me:

My most beneficial experience as a blogger this past year was participating in the 31 Days to a Brand New Blog experience spearheaded by Rosetta Thurman. It forced me to think and complete the necessary steps to build out my blog with the intent of building my brand as a blogger. Participating alongside both veteran and novice bloggers created a network of peers I was grateful to connect with. I have to admit, it was pretty tough fitting all the assignments in, and I know there are a few I still need to complete.  But the experience definitely made me appreciate the level of discipline bloggers put into building and maintaining their web presence and their overall brand.

In addition to the bloggers, I owe a huge thanks to Pooja A. Regmi, Noah Stephens, Raven Jones, Chanda Long, Kim Brooks, and Matt Hickey for taking time out of their schedules and responding to my interview questions, even when the idea of the blog was still pretty half-baked. And I owe a special thanks to my first featured blogger, Latasha Johnson.

Also, a huge shout-out to the people: the friends, relatives, former colleagues, co-workers, and random websurfers who read, commented on, and even shared the blog with others.  In looking at the stats, it still blows me away that folks continue to read postings I wrote nearly 8 months ago.

And last but not least, I have to thank the subscribers.  Those faithful folks who trusted and believed in me enough to offer their email addresses in order to receive my postings delivered straight to their inbox.  I truly appreciate your support.

What’s Next? Similar to the start of 2010, this year begins with more baby steps toward progress.  This time, it will be in the form of an internet radio station developed and hosted in partnership with a longtime friend, Omega Supreme.

HNET Radio will pay homage to the hip-hop culture in its most authentic form.  The pilot show, Hip-Hop’s Great Expectations for 2011, will air on Friday, January 21, 2010 at 11:00pm EST on Blogtalkradio. And this is only the beginning.
Be sure to connect with HNET on both Facebook and Twitter for more details!

I am also putting the final touches on the build-out of my professional page, which will launch on January 31st.  As with 2010, I’m sure 2011 will bring plenty of unexpected victories and lessons, and I welcome them both.  After all, it definitely gives me something to blog about!

Lead The Change

December 19, 2010 4 comments

As I am wrapping up 2010, I’m reflecting on the only resolution I had this year: To Get My Voice Back.  And I am grateful for the many people: faithful friends, awesome colleagues, & loving family members who have been there along my journey.

For the past 3 years, I’ve had the following article on my bulletin board at work.  It is from the March 2007 issue of Essence, one of the last articles written by Susan L. Taylor while serving as Editor in Chief of the magazine.  The first time I read it, I was on the job hunt, becoming frustrated with the whole process. After reading the article, it helped me find the strength necessary to persist in my search not just for a job, but for a renewed sense of purpose.

As 2010 is coming to a close, I am once again reflecting on my purpose, and hoping that 2011 will provide me with more opportunities to continue reclaiming my voice through my work, my relationships, and my life experiences.  To do so, I’m not only re-reading this article, but also sharing it with others hoping that it will empower someone else to Lead The Change in their lives.  ENJOY!

It’s a great blessing to do work that is meaningful, enjoyable and so in tune with your spirit that you arise excited to greet the day.  Work is love. It’s one of the ways in which we contribute to life and grow in grace and greatness.  But look at the weary faces in your family, your workplace, and perhaps in the mirror.  We spend most of our waking hours earning a living, and many of us feel miserable doing it.  We stay in jobs that aren’t satisfying, complaining that we are undervalued, overworked and underpaid, all because we fear change.

Life is change.  Welcome it! Every unhappy day that passes without your taking steps toward reinventing your life roots you more deeply in misery. It doesnt help that so many of us, immersed in a culture of celebrity, see fame and fortune as the goal.  We even celebrate stars who behave badly, who are the poorest role models for our children.  Instead, lets lift up those who are leading change, fighting against hunger, HIV/AIDS and violence in our world.  At the end of the day, how much you’ve earned, how many homes and diamonds we’ve acquired, are no comfort.  The true source of our peace is knowing that we are exercising our power and resources to help those less fortunate, that we are using what we have at hand to be a leader for change.

Start at home.  Take the leadership role in your life and career.  This is where your strategic advantage lies — in following your heart and preparing for what is nourishing to your  spirit.  Don’t sweat where you are right now; it’s your blessed entry point. Fashion a plan to help you leap forward boldly in this rapidly changing global economy, rather than reacting after the act to events forced upon you by shrinking Social Security, health and pension benefits.

Plan now! No matter how much you believe your organization values you today, your tomorrows are vulnerable.  Pressed to increase profits every year and forevermore, the also-vulnerable, ever-changing guard at the top is forced to make shortsighted changes that will stunt the lives of unprepared workers. And yet your tomorrows are also full of promise and opportunity.  Enter into a covenant with yourself and create new streams of income, including ventures you will profit from through retirement and pass along to coming generations.  Ask yourself, Where do I want to go next? Identify what’s not working and visualize the life you want to be living by summer, at year’s end, five years from now.  Hold steady your vision, and no matter what, don’t give up.

Assemble your dream team, your supporters, your board of directors, your confidantes, who can help you build the life of your intentions: the financial mind who’ll help you up your money and put the right digits in the right columns, the mentor who’s a star in the field you want to succeed in, the retired veteran who can help you tackle the tasks, and your counselor or spiritual guide — seek and welcome their strategies and advice that are right with your soul.

Step toward your greatness as an honor to God.  Join the vanguard of visionaries who are redefining success and the purpose of work from solely making money to making a better society.  Pursue your highest aspirations, and by the power of your trust and faith, the walls will tumble and the way will open wide.  The new life you want is waiting for you.
— Susan L. Taylor
Essence, March 2007

What Has Been My Progress?

December 3, 2010 Leave a comment

A lot can happen in 3 months.  And as I think about how much has occurred since the last time I’ve written a post on the blog, this definitely holds true for me.  I’m glad I participated in the 31 Days to a Brand New Blog back in August because it helped me begin to think more strategically about building out and maintaining my blog in an effort to build my personal brand.  The tough part, however, has been carving out the necessary time to keep the blog current.  Sure its simple to say, ‘I’m soooo busy!’ But then I see people like Dan Schawbel, or Peter Bregman who keep pretty hectic schedules and still find time to blog consistently.  So what’s my excuse? I really don’t have one.  And even though I’ve slowed down the content on the blog over the past 3 months, the time is always ripe to get back into the swing of things. Since I haven’t been posting to the blog, what has been my progress over the past 3 months?

  • Walked away from my senior management position with a national nonprofit to establish my own consulting business.
  • Served as the Volunteer Coordinator for TEDxFlint.
  • Secured contracts with nonprofit organizations located in Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Michigan.
  • Supported organizations with various projects including grant writing, strategic planning, program development, and web design.
  • Broadened my client base to include for-profit companies operating in my home state Michigan; each heavily focused on creating jobs for Michiganders.

Yeah, I’m pretty jazzed about my progress over the past few months. but I need to make sure I’m also putting forth the effort to become a consistent blogger.  It is hard to believe that one month from now, this blog will be one year old.  Time flies! And just thinking about that fact sets my gears in motion to crank out a few more posts before the year is up.

Work In Progress – At the Half

August 17, 2010 3 comments

This post is the assignment for Day 15: Assess Your Blog’s Progress, part of the 31 Days to a Brand New Blog Challenge

It’s halftime! Time to check the stats for Work In Progress for the past 2 weeks. Because I am still maintaining a site, I can’t assess my site using Google Analytics.  But there are a few items I can review to see just how much progress I’ve made thus far.  Based on the stats in the chart below, it looks like I’m moving along!

Category July 1-15 August 1-15
Number of posts written 2 4
Number of blog comments received 1 13
Number of blog subscribers 2 4
Number of pageviews 71 339
Traffic sources Facebook Blogging For Branding, Facebook
Keywords Raven Jones Noah Stephens & Detroit
Most popular posts Kim Brooks: Author Top 10 Books That Changed My Life

But beyond the numbers, there are a couple of other things I am excited about from participating in the 31 Days to a Brand New Blog Challenge thus far:

  • Opportunity to meet new bloggers and potential for collaboration on future blog posts. Looking forward to working with fellow blogger Kimberlee Stiens, author of the blog Business for Good, Not Evil.
  • Build-out of my professional blog,  I’m am currently working on an editorial calendar to make sure I am posting consistently about emergent issues, useful resources, and the development of my consulting work.  Got feedback?  Email me: tanya (at)

This has been a great experience so far, and I look forward to seeing what Rosetta has brewing for us over the next 15 days.  Stay tuned!

Categories: #31bnb, Passion & Purpose Tags:

Top 10 Books That Changed My Life

August 4, 2010 25 comments

This post is the assignment for Day Four: Write A List Post, part of the 31 Days To A Brand New Blog Challenge.

I grew up in a family that values books. My mom, a Head Start teacher; and my dad, self taught in both linguistics and religious studies, instilled within all of their children the importance of  reading everyday as well as the proper way to take care of books.  Back in those days, very few toys could be found in the Upthegrove house, but you would be hard-pressed to find a room in the house that did not have some type of book to read.

This love for reading has always been a huge part of my life, and I’m so grateful to have a husband who enjoys reading just as much, if not more, than I do.  And just like the Upthegrove house back in the day, in every room of the Simpson’s home you will find a plethora books.  In fact, we are almost at capacity and are looking at making a donation to the local library pretty soon.

I primarily read for two reasons:  1) to become informed and 2) to become inspired.  Very rarely do I read novels or strictly for entertainment purposes. For me, I’m always on the hunt for the next book that will challenge me to grow personally or professionally. The list below represents (in no particular order) the Top 10 books that changed my life.

NOTE: I did not include the any of the books found in the Bible in this list; for me  it is in a class all its own.

SECOND NOTE: Thanks to the feedback from fellow blogger Zone Artis, I’ve added info on when I first read the book, and why it has been influential to provide some context. Read more…

Why Blog?

August 3, 2010 Leave a comment

This post is the assignment for Day 2: Write A Purpose Statement For Your Blog, part of the 31 Days To A Brand New Blog Challenge.

Why do I blog?

To inspire others to live on purpose.

I believe that everyone is just one moment away from greatness. Within each of us there lies the passion, drive, and determination to live our dreams, but most of us are afraid to show it to others. Why? Because you never know when you are in the midst of a dream-wrecker. Maybe it was the high school English teacher who said you couldn’t become a great writer because English was not your first language. Or maybe it is your current boss who is intimidated by your bright ideas and consistently tries to curtail your creativity. Or maybe it’s you. So many of us are not living on purpose because we don’t give ourselves the room to explore the possibilities of our greatness.

My blog was developed to help others create that room. Read more…

Categories: #31bnb, Passion & Purpose

Blogging With A Branding State of Mind

July 29, 2010 Leave a comment

I did it! I signed up for Rosetta Thurman’s latest project, 31 Days to a Brand New Blog which she recently kicked off on her new blogsite, Blogging for Branding.  During the month of August, Rosetta plans to post daily exercises aimed at helping others use blogging as a way to build their personal brand. And as of July 29th, over 40 bloggers have already signed on to take the challenge. Great idea Rosetta!

For me, this challenge is right on time.  Since I am once again testing the waters of nonprofit consulting, as well as moving forward with my latest project, MAJOR Impact, I need to professionalize my web presence.

When I first started blogging six months ago, I simply wanted to share info about the books I read and the people I meet who work to bring about progress in the lives of others.  I still want to do this, but the time has come to step it up a notch.  And so, a change is coming.  I look forward to the opportunity to use blogging as a timely strategy to strengthen my personal brand. Read more…

Work In Progress: Six months Later

July 14, 2010 Leave a comment

Last week I celebrated the 6-month anniversary for the start of my blog, ‘Work in Progress.’ After a slow start to the beginning of the year, the blog was an attempt at my only resolution for 2010: to get my voice back.  When I began, I had no idea what the blog would evolve into. By sharing the books I’ve read and the people I’ve met which have informed and inspired my journey I wanted to use the blog as a platform to empower others to live their dreams. Read more…

CEL: Hip-Hop Soul Recording Artist

July 2, 2010 2 comments

Anyone who knows me can attest that I’ve been stuck in a hip-hop time warp for a while now; listening to roughly the same 20 artists for the past 20 years. Why? Because most of today’s mainstream hip-hop artists are unapologetically talentless. And rather than drown in the Sea of Mediocrity, I’d much rather support the few artists that demonstrate ingenuity, skill and passion in their music.

Detroit native Chanda E. Long, known to many as Cel, is one such artist whose style not only pays homage to the Golden Era of Hip-Hop, but blends it with Soul and R&B offering an innovative sound and relevant message desperately needed in today’s music.  Her recently released sophomore album ‘Deluxxe Organic’ is a definite purchase for those who yearn for more than what the average recording artist can deliver. Read more…

The Break-up with MARVIN

June 20, 2010 1 comment

Just last week, I viewed the following Facebook status update from a dear friend mine, Latasha Johnson:



🙂 🙂 🙂

Who is MARVIN? There are over 4 million people in the state of Michigan that know exactly who ‘he’ is.  MARVIN is Michigan’s Automated Response Voice Interactive Network, the system for communicating with the Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA).  By connecting with MARVIN, individuals are able to provide information regarding their length of unemployment, and inquire about their benefit payment.  According to the website, MARVIN is considered to be a ‘valued member of UIA’s team’.  But I’m sure that just like Latasha, there are countless others who are also looking forward to cutting ties with MARVIN.

Check out Latasha’s story as the first guest blogger for Work In Progress.